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Customer`s Services Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
0-800-501-011Technical Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
Customer`s Services Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
0-800-501-011Technical Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
up to 1000 Mbps
Directly to the computer
The most truthful test
If possible, always check the speed of the Internet connection through the cable directly to the device, since Wi-fi is a radio connection and depends on household interference (neighbor Wi - Fi, microwave ovens, wall thickness and material), the power and performance of the router and the device that receives the signal, etc.
Via Wi-Fi
depending on the type of connection and the Domonet Internet rate, the maximum speed may vary:
tariff plan "Domonet 100 Mbps"
tariff plan "Domonet 1000 Mbps"
* speed indicators also depend on the technical characteristics of the device on which the speed is measured
The speed of the Internet with the development of fiber has changed quite quickly for the better for users. Not everyone will remember a slow and bad connection with a modem over the telephone network. At the same time, checking the speed of the Internet connection is still important, because the stable operation of many devices depends on it.
The more they are connected, the higher its values are needed. As a rule, a personal computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, Smart-TV, etc. are used at home. To find out the current indicators, an online Internet speed check is used - this is the simplest, most accurate and free way.
There are quite a few online resources that allow you to find out the speed of your Internet connection in just a few minutes. With their help, you can find out:
The principle of their work is practically the same. All of the above services allow you to quickly get accurate values online. There is no need to install programs on a personal computer. Only the interface and the choice of languages are different. The above services are available, and 2ip.ua is also available in the Ukrainian version.
Many providers build speed tests into their official sites. In this case, you do not need to switch to a third-party resource. Domonet uses the popular Speed test service from Ookla. Check your internet speed if you notice sites opening slowly, streaming videos take a long time to load, and so on. For the most accurate results, use a cable connection. A deviation of 10–20% from the values indicated for your tariff plan is allowed. If the numbers are lower, contact a Domonet specialist to find out the reasons and eliminate them.
The discrepancy between the values obtained during the test and the tariff conditions can be caused by a number of factors, including:
Users who test using a wireless connection via a Wi-Fi router often get unsatisfactory results. Please note: this device divides the speed equally for each connected gadget. In addition, models operating in the 2.4 GHz band will always operate slower than those equipped with 5 GHz modules.
The result is less than expected?
Contact your Provider for advice or leave a request for connecting the Domonet gigabit right now
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The request is sent to the Customer`s Services Support Working hours: 9 am - 9 pm, every day
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The request is sent to the Customer`s Services Support Working hours:9 am - 9 pm, every day
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** Доступ до перегляду запропонованого Абоненту Провайдером Контенту здійснюється за допомогою Контент-партнера Omega ТМ (ТОВ "Омега ТВ") через Додатковий сервіс на умовах Публічного договору оферти https://domonet.ua/uk/contract . Під Контентом мається за увазі аудіовізуальні твори (фільми, серіали, анімаційні твори, тощо), що зберігаються та/або показ яких забезпечується через сервер Контент-партнера.
** Приведення Провайдером програмного додатку на обладнанні у стан, який надає Абонентові доступ до Сервісу.
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